Monday, October 21, 2019

The Law of Attraction

Ok, so in the last post I went off topic for a bit when I was referring to people repackaging things in a different way with the same information.

Let me explain...

A few years back the big craze was "The Secret".  I thought that very interesting since this "law of attraction" they spoke of was nothing new.

Jerry & Esther Hicks wrote books years before on the same topic, some newer versions still on the market today.

The Law Of Attraction: The Basics Of The Teachings Of Abraham

The law of attraction is just that...  the law -  of attraction.  Like attracts like.  If you surround yourself with negative people, you too will become negative.  In the same token, if you surround yourself with happy and positive people, you will feel more happy and positive.  Simple right?  You can go as far as to say that if you surround yourself with very successful people, this will indeed help you become more successful.  And so on and so forth.

When you surround yourself with like minded people, you are able to collaborate on things you both believe in.  When you want to grow - you surround yourself with people who know more than you, so you can surround yourself with a higher level of knowledge on the subject you want to learn.  You want to learn something new - you take a class.  This philosophy applies to life in general as a whole.  It is fascinating really.  A friend of mine just shared a great post on FB:

I absolutely love this post!  It is exactly the manifestation of all that is.  You can indeed create your own reality.  It is a choice.  You. Have.Choice.  I can see however, that depending on how information is packaged, and how information is delivered may differ and will have varying levels of understanding.

Full disclosure, I have never seen the movie nor read the book "The Secret" I guess just based on principle, however, The way "The Secret"packaged the same information was better received by the people therefore became more popular.  I am glad to see that more people now understand the law of attraction since that should result in more people being more positive and loving and caring...  well...  here's hoping!

But...  if you are willing to give it a try, what is the worst that can happen?  You gain some more positive friends in your life?  You become more successful at your job?  You feel happier in love and life?  I say go for it!

Happy manifesting!
Be Well,

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