Monday, December 30, 2019

Make 2020 Deliberate!

What does 2020 mean to you?  Make sure you are clear with your thoughts on what you want 2020 to be for you. Make sure you are clear with the direction you want your future to go. The time for manifesting is now. It's a new year for a new you. We have all heard this phrase before, it is not a new concept, there is always a chance to start over. It is never too late to venture down a new path, choose a new route, or be involved with different people that bring you up versus bring you down.  Our free time is very limited, be sure that you are spending time with people who want to spend their time with you. We have less time to spend doing the things we love. Spending time with those we love, and those we know love us, and want the best for us. That's not everyone, so be sure to choose wisely.  2020 is a new year. Make it count!

A new year is a time to rethink decisions.  I always begin a new year very deliberate, very consciously.  Unfortunately, a lot of us go through the motions and it becomes very routine. We need to live deliberately. We need to live with passion. We need to experience every moment, in order to make those moments count. Be deliberate in your thoughts, be deliberate in your actions… be deliberate in how you want to remember the experience, and how people will remember you.

“20/20” - use the play on words... how is your vision? Not your literal vision, although still important, but I am referring to the vision you have towards your future, towards the plans that you've made along the way that you still haven't completed. How clear have you been? How deliberate have you been? How clear is that vision you have for yourself and the life you want to be living? If your thoughts are cloudy, so will be the results.  There is always time to tweak where we are. Always time to move a little to the left or move a little to the right or sometimes we need to do a complete 180 degrees!

Sometimes people will tell me they are afraid to make a decision fearing it is the wrong decision.  I tell them that life is full of wrong decisions, that's how we grow!  There is always times when we accidentally take the wrong road, that's how we find new destinations. If we didn't occasionally make a wrong turn, we wouldn't be who we are today. If it seems as though those turns led us to be someone who we do not want to be, change your direction.  You know the difference. We all know the difference.  If we take enough time to get quiet, really quiet, and truly look at the choices we have in front of us, deep down in our subconscious, our higher selves, our better version of our current selves will guide us.  They always will, and if you listen, they always do.

You have seen these people who listen.  Sometimes you call them lucky, or think they are more fortunate that us.  I say any one of us can live the life they were meant to, by just getting quiet enough to listen to the right directions.  Get quiet, think deep and get to that place where you know which way to turn.  How will you rewrite your story in 2020? 

Have yourselves a spectacular year!  Make it count!  😊

Be Well,  Mary-Anne

Week 2: The Transformative Power of Gratitude: Small Shifts, Big Changes

It started with a simple realization. After a particularly hectic day, I sat down with my journal and decided to jot down three things I was...