Friday, January 1, 2021

Goodbye 2020! Hello 2021!

10, 9, 8, 7...  And just like that...  2020 is over.  Whew...  

To think we all had this notion we would have clear "2020" vision for last year!  HA!  Who knew?  How could we have predicted such an unprecedented event?  Could that have clouded our "2020" vision just a tad?  Maybe?  Ummm, Of course it did!  Still does!  However, as we toast to a New Year, we need to shift our focus of vision to what is truly important.  I realize most of you  feel this was the worst year on record, and wish 2020 never happened!  Although...  that would take away some of the moments folks want to be grateful for.  The people who got married or started a new relationship; perhaps found their special someone during quarantine so they didn't have to go it alone.  The folks who found out they were expecting or gave birth to the most *"beautiful tiny humans" on the face of the planet!

Maybe folks were hired into new jobs and started careers in this crazy time.  To our healthcare workers...  tirelessly doing what they do best, and albeit drained, appreciative they have the opportunity to be part of this historic time and help those in need.   Don't forget to help them by remaining diligent.  Wear your masks, wash your hands and please stay home.  We can see the light at the end of the tunnel;  don't keep moving the goalpost.

For all the moments that people are still finding joy in, we shouldn't discount and say 2020 was the worst year ever.  For the joyful moments, we need to remain grateful.  Of course this is not to dismiss the sorrow some have felt for losses they have experienced.  Just be sure the grief, sorrow and loss does not define you.  You are more than the sorrow, you are more than the loss, you are more than the grief.  

Since the stroke of midnight last night it is now 2021 and I am sure we are all feeling the same...  wanting to be energized about the new year, yet still tired, still frustrated, still stressed, and the worst case of cabin fever evvvver!  ;)  I get it!  But instead of looking at what we "can't" do, let's focus on what we "can" do.  

Appreciate the time you are able to spend with family since, given the present situation, they are now pretty much legally required to stay home with you.  LOL ;)  Have more conversation, more quality time as opposed to being ships passing in the night.  Spend those moments wisely.  Put yourself truly in a present state.  Being present in the moment is ever powerful and mindfulness is extremely beneficial in times such as these.  

Maybe you have been putting off a project at home, think about taking the money you would have normally spent on vacation by finally finishing that project.  Maybe you are looking to begin an exercise routine, cooking more healthy, learning to meditate?  I have seen some folks out of work that began sewing masks, or decided to apply with a local grocery or Amazon delivery service.  All essential jobs still need more help!  Think creatively and see if there is anything that may be a fit.  Those of you who have lost loved ones, I am truly sorry...  Cherish the memories you have and stay cognizant not overlook the ones you still have in your life that love you, appreciate you, need you.  The age ole saying, "this too shall pass" is true to form.  This. Too. Shall. Pass. 

We start 2021 with hope in our hearts and determination in our minds for a better tomorrow.  We are in this together!  One tomorrow at a time.  We will persevere!

Wishing you all a healthy and prosperous new year!  
Be safe and be well,

*Thanks Bobbi for the lovely posts you share of your beautiful daughter - She is indeed a "beautiful tiny human".  <3

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