This is not only about choosing happiness in general - but looking at the larger picture. Who you surround yourself with, the foods you decide to eat, the products you decide to use.
It. All. Matters.
Those who know me, know I have severe allergies. So much so, that I have to be extremely careful what I eat, drink as well as products I use or even supplements I take.
When you have to look at every little thing with a very discerning eye, you learn allot! You are always investigating, trying to figure out what the best options are, for not only yourself, but others. Maybe you family? Friends? Loved ones? Those also suffering some of the same symptoms?
Knowledge is indeed wealth, and as I get older, and wiser, I thoroughly enjoy learning more and more about how to optimize my health, and in turn, help others.
Choose wisely. Recognize when your body is letting you know when something is not quite right. Pay attention to the signs. Your body is a wealth of knowledge and gives you signals. You just have to be willing to listen and notice. Remember to get quiet enough to listen. The more you pay attention the more signs you will see. It is quite interesting, magical really. All so you can bring your body into complete balance and master this adventure we call life.
Everyones goal is to live a happy and healthy life. It's never too late to start.