We all know our companies mission statement, or at least we should. What about your personal mission statement? Not straight goals, not how you want your epitaph to read, (although these do play a part in what your mission statement will be), but a mission driven statement on how you are going to live your own life to it's absolute fullest.
With business, it is all about serving their customers. The companies vision plus core values and how they benefit others. What if you were to think long and hard on what the perfect version of you should look like? How you would like to feel? What success looks like for you? How your success would benefit you and your future? What the perfect version of you would look and feel like? What could you come up with?
With the Spring equinox comes new beginnings, (Happy Spring btw ;) what about springing into the new season with a fresh new look at you! Start with values - what is most important to you? Take a look at these:
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style" -- Maya Angelou*
"To make people happy" -- Walt Disney, Founder of Walt Disney Productions*
Mine is simple and to the point... "Inspiring those seeking inspiration. Pure intentions. Positive results." One of my main pillars of happiness for me is giving back and service to others, that fills my tank. I spent many years working with individuals who were not truly looking to make a change. They would come for sessions, pay me to work with them, but they were not ready. Personally, it did not feel right taking their money, and I would let them know I didn't feel they were in the right place, and to call me when they felt ready to make the necessary shifts. You know these types of folks. They go through the motions, but really do not want to change, to get better, to become more effective individuals; they are stuck in the proverbial rut... disguised as a groove. You have them in your world every day. They like complacency. And that's ok. That works for them. I work with those that complacency does not work for; folks that strive for more - that's where I come in. Bottom line... I love helping people get to happy.
So back to your statement. You saw a couple of examples. What type of person are you looking to be? What type of life are you looking to live? Create a statement that not only inspires you to become that person; to live that life, but truly how you want people to remember you. Like a I stated before, goals and an epitaph come into play, but this is the statement of how you will live your life to it's fullest, not simply how you will be remembered. What will, every time you read it, help you become and remain the best you possible? What would living your best life look like?
Have fun with it! Good luck and share down below, if you feel ever so compelled, on what your mission statement is for you!
Mary-Anne Schelb is a holistic health consultant that inspires those seeking inspiration. She utilizes positive intentions which produce positive results for her clients. She has spent the past two decades helping people get out of their own way. Let her help you navigate your own path to... Intentional Calm...
*There are some great sites out there for your own personal mission statement. While I was researching, I found a couple of examples that I pulled from this site: blog.hubspot.com/marketing/personal-mission-statement